Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wildflower Wednesday


This week's plant is Tussilago farfara, commonly known as Colt's Foot.  It is considered an invasive  perennial weed, resembling the dandelion.  It comes up early in spring in waste places and road sides.  The flowers are borne on scaly stems.  It is leafless when it first appears.  The leaves come up later after the flowers have died down.  It is mainly spread by underground rhizomes, and less often by seeds.  

Please note that I do not condone or encourage the use of this plant for medicinal remedies.   In the past Colt's Foot was used in herbal medicines.  The roots were believed to remedy respiratory problems.  The flowers were thought to cure skin conditions.

Family: Asteraceae.  Genus:Tussilago,  Species:T. farfara
Common name:Colt's foot.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

A Holiday For the Birds

Happy Easter

I made these birds a while ago.
They are very addictive.
My ADD is kicking in.  I feel the need to make more of them.