Tuesday, November 17, 2020

I Found Some Photos of Older Quilts

 A friend was asking about a couple of quilts I had made a while ago.

This first one was a picnic quilt I made in 2010.  It is all scraps, done in a quilt as you go technique.  What  makes this quilt special are the ants I embroidered all over it.  Hence it is called 'What's a Picnic Without Ants?'

It is being held up by a couple of Japanese Kamajo students that my DD was hosting for 10 days   We were at Sibbald's Point beach on Lake Simcoe.  The weather was not great.  I think we went home shortly after this photo was taken.

The embroidered ants seemed to scare the real ants away because we didn't see even one.

The next quilt was made while I was a patient at West Park, a rehab hospital.  I was getting kind of depressed while I was there and the doctor wanted to prescribe medication.  I didn't want any.  Just give me some fabric and let me do some sewing I told them.  The occupational therapist thought it was a great idea.  I could iron the fabric pieces and it would help me strengthen my legs while doing so..  They allowed me to go home for a day and I picked up a box full of scraps.  My hospital room soon started to look like my quilting room.  What a mess!

Although I used plastic templates, all the piecing and applique was done entirely by hand.  It was terrific therapy.  It kept me busy every evening and took my mind off my disability.  The nurses on the ward started to drop by to see my progress.  I was so glad I was a quilter.  Sewing is the best therapy there is.  It kept me sane. 

I called this quilt 'Garden of Hope'.  Janet Chisholm quilted it for me on her long arm machine.  

Monday, November 9, 2020


My eyesight is still not back.  So no sewing or quilting.  But I am able to do a bit of knitting as long as the yarn is a light colour.  I have been working on these. Mittens for William.

I am not quite sure of the right size to make.  So I am experimenting.  

It is really nice out.  It feels more like early fall instead of November.  But this won't last much longer.  Much cooler temperatures are expected in the coming days.  I took the opportunity to go out into the back yard.  I dug up some onions and picked a small bunch of nasturtiums.  These are the last flowers in my garden.