Monday, November 9, 2020


My eyesight is still not back.  So no sewing or quilting.  But I am able to do a bit of knitting as long as the yarn is a light colour.  I have been working on these. Mittens for William.

I am not quite sure of the right size to make.  So I am experimenting.  

It is really nice out.  It feels more like early fall instead of November.  But this won't last much longer.  Much cooler temperatures are expected in the coming days.  I took the opportunity to go out into the back yard.  I dug up some onions and picked a small bunch of nasturtiums.  These are the last flowers in my garden.


  1. I love nasturtiums. I need to plant some next year.

  2. I'm sorry to hear your eyesight is still not good. Sometimes I wonder what else can go wrong this year!
