Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Scrappy Flimsy

This was a Rail Fence Leader and Ender challenge issued by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville.blogspot.com  back in 2017.  I have been working on this scrappy flimsy for a long time.  It now measures about 50in by 85in.  I consider that a finish.  The only problem now is that I have about 100 more blocks.  They are only 3 1/2 inches square.  Should I make it bigger or should I start another top?

I have an idea.  I think I will make a charity quilt.  That's what I'll do.  Haven't made one of those for a long time.


  1. Start another. A charity quilt is a great idea.

  2. Beautiful quilt...I love scrappy! :0)

  3. Your rail fence top looks great! And using the extra blocks for a charity quilt sounds like a good plan.
