Sunday, March 14, 2021

Happy Pi Day


It's the 14th of March.  3.14   Today is Pi Day.   Having a son who is a bit of a math nerd is not easy.  I am always aware of math related stuff.  I used to bake a pie on Pi Day.  His favourite was lemon meringue.  But my baking days are over.  It's enough to have to put cereal into a bowl each morning and add milk.  I'm not up for anything more.

So whatever you're up to today.  Whether it's setting the time ahead an hour or eating some delicious apples baked into a tantalizing crust or trying to remember the infinitive Pi calculation, I hope you have a good one.   

3.141592653589......  Okay.  That's enough.

Oh, NO!  I think I'm becoming a nerd.

1 comment:

  1. Happy (belated) pi day!

    It doesn't work here because we put the day before the month. I don't think 14.3 has any mathematical significance. And I'm actually writing this on 16.3, another insignificant day.
