Monday, June 21, 2021

World Giraffe Day

Today is the longest day of the year .  The summer solstice arrived at 11:32PM last evening.  That means today will be the longest day of the year for us here in the northern hemisphere.

It seems fitting that on the longest day we would celebrate an animal with the longest neck: The giraffe.  I have always been fascinated with giraffes.  During the years that I was a member of the Metro Toronto Zoo, I went often to watch them.  

Giraffes originated in Africa.  They are to tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant.  The giraffe's main features are its very long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones and its distinctive coat patterns.  Ossicones are the skin covered bone structures on their heads.

They eat mainly leaves, fruit and flowers which they can browse on at heights that other herbivores cannot reach.  

Before William was born I decided to make a few 'wild' animals for his room.  I crocheted this little guy.  Cute, eh?  William loves giraffes too!

Happy World Giraffe Day to all.


1 comment:

  1. Happy World Giraffe Day!

    We just had our longest night, and I have to say I didn't enjoy getting up at 7am and finding that the sun hadn't made an appearance yet.
