Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wildflower Wednesday

Let me introduce Yellow Cress.  It is a weed that is growing in my vegetable garden at the moment.  Actually, it is coming up everywhere in other parts of the garden and even in between the patio stones.    Yellow Cress is in the mustard family.  Like all mustard plants, it has flowers with four petals.  This one is a lovely bright yellow. The seeds are borne in long brown pods.  There can be hundreds of them.   It is a biennial.  The first year it appears as small, insignificant rosettes.  The second year it grows into this huge plant that tries to strangle everything around it.  Another common name is Yellow Rocket.  I have to pull it all out, hopefully before the seed pods open.  If I don't, I will have this plant forever and not much else in my garden.

Family: Brassicaceae.  Genus: Barbarea.  Species: B. vulgaris
Common Names:  Yellow Cress, Rocket Cress, Wintercress


  1. That is a plant I've never heard of so I guess I don't have any of it, nor do I want any. Good luck on staying ahead of it.

  2. That is one weed that doesn't seem to have made it to this part of the world. Sounds like that is a good thing.
