Monday, May 18, 2020

Feeling Like a Black Panther

Not having a good day.  I am exhausted.  Maybe all the things I did in the garden yesterday, weeding and digging, were too much for me.  There is no quilting going on today.  Pity.  My brain is not cooperating.  All I want to do is sit in my recliner and veg out.  Maybe watch some TV.  Even that seems too stressful.  Not much sleep happened last night.  My arthritis is acting up.  My hands are stiff and painful.  Perhaps it's the weather.  It rained, but I don't think it was as bad as the weather guy had forecast.  It will rain all day today too.  I can hear the wind.  I think I will feature William today.  He wrote a story about a black panther who is good at camouflage.  I can relate to that.  Feeling black and wanting to hide from the world.

This is his story.
The black panther 
is my favourite.
They are the 
best at camouflage.


  1. My hands are stiff today and I know that is still from the gardening on Saturday. Sometimes we just need a day to let our minds wander and not do anything physical.

  2. William might like to know that there are many stories about black panthers roaming the forests of our part of the world (where they are not found naturally). No-one ever manages to get a photo of one, but the tales persist.

    Hope you are feeling better.

  3. wow, I'm with you sister. There are days when you can overcome, and make life a party no matter what is happening. Then there are days when you need to just sit, be. I fell into an entire afternoon of youtube yesterday, watching some cute guys react to old music I grew up with, but they never heard before. So uplifting! But today, dh is at work, I feel like also finding a recliner and watching tv. LeeAnna at not afraid of color
