Saturday, July 11, 2020

Insanity is Keeping Me Sane!

Who would of thunk it?    

The daily temperatures are unbearable.  The humidity is stifling.  My air conditioner is not doing its job.  My scooter gave we problems all week.  I have bunnies and chipmunks in my backyard eating my veggies.  We are still in Covid isolation.    And I am out of coffee.

Yet these crazy little blocks are keeping me from losing my mind!

The blue waffle blocks I have made so far this month.    There may be more in my future.  Who knows?  I have lots of blue fabrics.  Blue is my favourite colour.  

I am linking up with So Scrappy.  (As usual I am not able to link up, but I'm working on it)


  1. I am so glad we have our creativity and beautiful fabrics to keep us sane. I hope someone brings you some coffee.

  2. Sounds like you could end up with a whole quilt of blue waffle blocks!

    Hope you can get hold of some coffee at least.

  3. Oh dear, you have a lot to cope with, but your blue blocks are wonderful!

  4. Sounds like misery... scrappy sewing to the rescue!
    Hope this week is better for you. It's very hot here too but the window AC is keeping it bearable so far.
